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Ed Tenorio takes Sydney Jokers Anniversary Cup

BY RIC DE VERA – The 29th Sydney Jokers Social Golf Club’s Anniversary Cup held on February 13, 2022 at Fox Hills Golf Club was won by Eddie Tenorio from Blacktown. He scored gross 77 strokes and net 61 using his social handicap of16. He was awarded with $250 cash prize and the right to engrave his name in the monumental perpetual trophy for his exceptional efforts.

Sydney Jokers Golf Club’s 29th Anniversary cup. He was surrounded by (left to right) Ernie Mercado (Vice President), Gert Ebing (Treasurer), Mickey Cabillo (Vice President) , champion Ed Tenorio , holding trophy, and Ralph Posadas (President) at extreme right

Runner up winners with their gross scores and net after deducting their handicaps were: Jonathan Parva (73-11= 62) as first runner up and Lorenzo Aquino (81-13=68)) as second runner up. These runner up winners were awarded with cash prizes of $150 and $100, respectively.

Novelty hole winners were also awarded with $20 cash prize each on all par 3 holes as follows: Ernie Mercado (hole no 3), Danny Martinez (hole no 5), Willie Trinidad (hole no 11), Mickey Cabillo on hole no 15 and Carlos Perez on hole no 17.

Before the tournament, all the select 17 players were given bottled water and sandwiches and after the tournament a choice of club bistro burgers.

Before the awards presentation, Sydney Jokers President Ralph Posadas welcomed everyone and thanked those who played at the Anniversary Golf Cup which is now on its 29th year, although 24 years ago started the golfing events. He likewise thanked the major sponsor, founding President Albert Dionisio, who contributed $500 towards the cash prizes.

This writer received belatedly the Sydney Jokers Outstanding member’s service award certificate originally intended to be given in December 2021. Likewise with Lorenzo Aquino also received his award certificate and 2021 POY 2nd runner up trophy from the same occasion last year.