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Tomato Medley Bruschetta

The orginal blog post can be found at

Can you believe Christmas is just around the corner? I love this time of year because I get to indulge in my fair share of Christmas feasts and spend time with dear family and friends. There’s nothing better than gathering around on Christmas day, the family dining table groaning with goodies, as we give thanks for the year that has been and remember the reason for the season.

One dish that is perfect for Christmas is canapés of Tomato Medley Brushetta. Golden slippers of toasted bread topped with juicy red tomatoes, sprinkled with fresh basil serves is a vibrant and fresh starter, perfect for any party.

Regardless of how you will celebrate during this season, I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas!

is a curious food blogger, sharing the stories behind the food she cooks, the places she visits and the people she shares life with. Read more of her thoughts at