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“Street foods” in information highway

Selling home cooked food through internet is noticeably on the rise during these COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. This reminds me of  stories of my parents how they scratch out for a living during Japanese war occupation in the Philippines engaging in buy and sell business, pushing a cart of merchandises from town to town.
They cannot do their jobs as schoolteacher and seamstress.
.There is a similarity with today’s situation under the COVID – 19.
Suddenly unemployed and asked to stay at home day long, many had to contend with activities they can do at home.
Popular to a few enterprising individuals is cooking favourite street food of one’s childhood in the Philippines.
They probably still remember the “formula” of past and recipe hidden somewhere.
I have collected photos of some of the delectable Filipino street foods they posted in social media.
They include those by Kreative (Lyn Peralta) of Blacktown, Merlyn Tawato also of Blacktown, Ella Kusinra (Ella Puzon), Blacktown, Nap Guines (Rooty Hill) Sallie Gracie (St Clair), Rissa Janer (Ryde) and Den Patrimonio of Rooty Hill.
No peddling house to house nor street hawking like before in one’s boyhood in one’s hometown,
All you need is the internet. Here are collections of some of the noticeable “street foods” on offer.