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Tom Baena is Blacktown RSL Sub branch prexy

Former NSW police constable, community radio broadcaster and now practising solicitor Mr Tom Baena has been re-elected as Blacktown Returned Services League sub branch president.  

The Blacktown RSL Sub Branch announced the newly elected Officers for the next three years (2017 to 2019) at the Annual General Meeting held at the RSL Club 11am on Sunday 19 February 2017.

The officers of the sub-branch: Tom Baena – President; Bruce Scott – Senior Vice President ; Margaret Webb – Junior Vice President and Minute Secretary; Rizaldy Pagala – Honorary Treasurer; James Woodforde – Pensions Officer: Frank Mossfield and Robert Sandry – Welfare Officers.

Committee Members: Mick Reid, Dave Blackman: Sam Sultana:Robert Castor’ Gabriel Von Samik and Ken Thomas.

Trustees:  Max Encomienda : Jim Bostock: and Ron Torr.