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“Adventurous” Delicacies for Filipino food “Indiana Jones”

boodle (400x250)The menu itself is an invitation to food lovers with adventurous spirit. 

Kilawin, a preparation of fresh tuna, prawn and grilled squid ceviche finished in coconut milk. Oysters and prawn grilled in soy butter.  

Chicken  Adobo sa Dilaw consisting of chicken tigh fillets slow-cooked in turmeric, garlic and local Filipino herbs. Daing Sa Barramundi comprising of garlic marinated Barramundi, pan fried and served with salted eggs and mango sauce. 

Egg plant salad consisting of char grilled eggplant,  Roma tomato, Spanish onion, chive in citrus shrimp paste dressing. Lechon Kawali of twice cooked crispy pork belly with spicy vinegar dip. Lemon grass rice which is steamed rice infused with lemon grass.

A dessert inspired by the Filipino halu halo comprising of purple yam sponge cake, coconut popsicle,  and Filipino sweet meat with crème carmel..

The event is called Boodle Filipino Food Fiesta. Scheduled at 7:00 pm on September 26 at Cammeray Golf Club in Cammerray, NSW, a suburb between North Sydney and Neutral Bay in NSW.

Chrissie  Castillo  of Purple Yam Group, exclusive caterer to Cammeray Golf Club, in Sydney’s  Lower Shore quoted this statement from famous cable TV food critic and host of TV program “Bizarre Foods” about Filipino exotic food, “I predict  two years from now, Filipino food will be what we have been talking about for six months…I think that’ going to be the next big thing.”

She said Boodle Fiesta is all about family and friends gathering together for a feast of Philippine flavours.

Over time Filipino food has evolved to united cuisine of Spanish, Chinese, Malay, American as well as other Asian and Latin influences adopted to  Filipino indigenous ingredients and local palate.

It is the bold combination of tamis (sweet), asim (sour), alat (salty), and sometimes anghang (spicy) that distinguish Filipino cuisine.

Ms Castillo said limited seats are available and seatings will be in tables of six people minimum, Please call 02 9953 1522 or emai