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Sydney railway stations Typhoon Haiyan appeal

Sydney’s Typhoon Haiyan Appeal Volunteers

Typhoon Haiyan appeal
Typhoon Haiyan appeal

The ALLIANCE  for Philippine  Community Organisations or APCO and affiliate organisations conducted public bucket collection for the Typhoon Haiyan Appeal in Sydney and suburban railway stations, thanks to the permission by Mr Michael Tarrega, manager of community reations and events of Sydney Trains, The volunteers undertook the collection  from Novembr 21 to December 5th at Lidcombe, Strathfield, Parranmatta, Burwood, Liverpool, Bankstown, Penrith, Cabramatta, Fairfield and Campsie. 

APCO PRO Richard Ford  said some of the volunteers who joined the project included  Mario Aisa, Joven Estigoy, Annie Marquez and Marcus Rivera. Donation collectors were: Richard Ford, Larry Perez, Ligaya Zappala, Dian Ford, Glorina Papaioannou, Cora Perez, Pet Storey, Danielle Gumabay, Anne Luksa, Marx Canoy, Barth Dichoso, Daisy Wright, Ruben Amores, Ferlin Babac, Ela Babac, Nhu Tran and her mom, Thi Thu Hong Nguyen, Thi To Huynh, Thai Hai Dang, Dory Meissner, Josephine Brown, Rose Lay, Annie Marquez and her boyfriend, Keith, Cora Paras and Cen Amores.  Some musicians buskers helped attract attention for the appeal. 

BAYANIHAN News contributor and Riverstone, NSW resident Mr Henk Van Zuilekon is a favourite adopted son of Ormoc City which was one of those heavily devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. He reported the quick act of goodness of his and his wife’s “inaanak” or godson  Mr Ario Tomada who passed the bag at his place of employment at Blacktown Hospital, netting some$1,000 mainly from friends and fellow workers.  Said Mr Zuiekon: ”We are proud of him. As a sponsored student, he did all the right thing.  He is now a qualified nurse. The funds raised will be towards the repair of the barrio chapel and I believe the barrio hall which was virtually destroyed.  

SYDNEY community leader  and president of the association “Hot Mamas” Mrs Neria Soliman, of Hassal  Grove wrote:” From the organisations, personal and anonymous friends, I was able to send $5,000 to the Benedictine nus (of Tacoban City) c/o Mother Superior Angelica Leviste OBS, plus boxes of towels and linen from APCO. Praise God for the generosity of our  Kababayans all over the world. Some of my co-Benedictine graduates from St Scholastica College Manila from overseas went home to help the nuns. I too will be coming back home in  April.”


THE FCF Life Centre church in Minchinbury quickly realigned its 25th year anniversary celebration in Minchinbury in the month of December which included a fund-raising Christmas Carnival to benefit the NSW bushfire and the Philippine calamities of the earthquake in Bohol as  super Typhoon Haiyan in Leyte and Samar.  The church activities was able to raise $6,000 which was sent to the Philippines as part of the $16,000 help of the Church of Foursquare Gospel Australia to the Church of Foursquare Gospel Philippines who lost lives and church buildings in Central Visayas in the Philippines. Senior Pastors of FCF Life Centre  are Rev Rudy Tan and Marion Tan.