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Visayan Association Dancers Bring Joy and Smile to Nursing Home Elderlies

country line dance1 (640x443) flower dance1 (640x480) hawaiian hula dance1 (640x418)PHOTOS by Richard Ford.  TEXT by Nonoy Perdon and Richard Ford.

Nostalgia and amazement must have radiated from the faces of the elderly residents of the Summit Care Nursing Home on Elizabeth Street in Liverpool City in  Southwestern Sydney last 10th May 2013.

They witnessed  at least four  cultural dances complete with dancers clad in multi-coloured outfits from the   Visayan Association of Australia (VAA)  community club, including the  fast-paced Hawaiian Hula and the   contrasting  and serene  “Paypay” (fan) dance

VAA dancers treated the Summit Care nursing home residents  with the special performances,  as part of the association’s community service to bring joy to the  elderly tenants of Summit Care last Saturday 10th May 2013.

The whole dance revue which were researched and developed by the VAA dancers comprised of namely, Bulaklakan or Flower Dance, the Paypay (Fan) de Visayas, the “Say Hello” Country Line Dance and finally the Hawaiian Hula Dance. It was the first time Summit Care was treated to such type of endearing entertainment.

The performers led by Juliet Vella, and including Judith Broad, Edna Voros, Josephine Brown, Dian Ford, Vivian Brewington, Nora Howell and Ligaya Zappala have been around the Philippine community circles. Both  Summit Care’s  resident and nursing home staff thoroughly enjoyed the performances and were very much delighted to have witnessed  the charming  dance numbers.

It is true that music and dance transcends all cultures and is a language of its own that does indeed bring enjoyment and smiles to all who experience it, and today was no exception.

One who had seen the mini concert should be proud the dance group have thought of the idea of showcasing the ethnic numbers and of bringing smile and enjoyment in the faces of the elderly on that special day many around the world celebrate to honour and pay respect to mothers.

VAA dancers once again are embarking this year on a series of community performances in a number of events that would bring them to festivals in Blacktown, Bankstown, and Campbelltown.

Well done, ladies.