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Tangy Chicken Wings

The original blog post can be found at

As the name suggests, dude food is mainly eaten by, well… blokes. Though I can’t speak for all men, I experience the male appetite by cooking for my dear husband. Thankfully he’s not fussy, but like most of the men I know, he’s partial to anything meaty, spicy or hearty that can be eaten by the handful (utensils not required).

This recipe ticks all the boxes, and I especially love it because it’s so simple yet oh so delicious. Better yet, the ingredients are inexpensive and are common pantry items. Even if you’re rushed for time, a quick 10 minute marinade is all you need to produce a rich tanginess (thanks to the tomato sauce). I’ve also included honey which adds a certain sticky sweetness that will have you licking your fingers clean (no cutlery required!) – perfect for a night of footy, regardless of which code floats your boat.

My husband likes it hot, so I add a fair bit of chili (ground and flakes), but you can add less or more, to taste.

is a curious food blogger, sharing the stories behind the food she cooks, the places she visits and the people she shares life with. Read more of her thoughts at