The Filipino Australian Movement for Empowerment, (FAME),Inc has elected its new set of officers led by Executive Director Max Encomienda of Woodcroft, former director of the Philippine Communities Council of New South Wales and official of the Order of the Knights of Rizal. He replaced Mr Rod Dingle.
The FAME officials were sworn to office by Blacktown Councillor Mrs Jacqui Donaldson (Lib), during the association’s annual general meeting held at the Chilli Pepper Resturant and Function Centre on Main Street, Blacktown last Saturday 13 September 2014.
Before the election, outgoing executive director Rod Dingle and founding chair Cesar Bartolome presented FAME’s 2013-2014 annual report, explaining and answering questions about the year’s various developments.
FAME PRO Emily Rudd said once more the officials highlighted the relevance of the FAME movement and its role in promoting active involvement of Filipino Australians towards what referred to as political, social and economic empowerment.
FAME encourages the usually apolitical Filipino Australian migrant to seek elective public office. It has rendered volunteer help and supports to Filipino Australians who ran as candidates in Blacktown City Council elections, NSW state elections and Federal Australian elections.
As well as joining civic community clean up campaign and civic town parades, FAME also hosted a few voters’ awareness seminars before elections in Western Sydney and citizens achievement awards events.
The elected officers are: Max Encomienda, Executive Director; Neria Soliman , Assistant. Executive Director; Rod Dingle (Immediate Past Executive Director) – State Secretary; Dennis Laxamana- State Treasurer; Emily Rudd – State PRO; Phillip Ranoso – State Auditor. The four Directors are Cesar Bartolome, Jade Cadelina, Ferdi Francisco and Ross Iglesia.
Calendared as FAME activities and projects are FAME Christmas Party in December 2014, Clean-Up Australia Day on 08 March, 2015; Blacktown City Festival Parade, 30 May 2015; FAME Inc.’s 7th Anniversary Ball on date to be announced and 2015 AGM on the second Sunday of September 2015.
FAME also renders support to the activities of the Philippine Community Council of NSW and the Philippine Consulate General office in Sydney.
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