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PCC face mask

Peak body PCCNSW letter to its affiliates on face mask

This news outlet received a copy of a letter by Mr Alric Bulseco, President of the Philippine Community Council of NSW to its affiliate community organisations, making available a limited number of face masks. Photo of the mask also provided.  The letter says:

April 8, 2020

Dear Affiliates,

Together with the PCC Board, I sincerely hope you and your members are in good health during this highly challenging time.

With the increasing number of fatalities in the country from coronavirus, the PCC Board has thought of providing assistance, in its own small way, insafeguarding the health of its members.

Through the determined efforts of some of officers of the Board with a sewing machine, the Board has managed to produce a number of face masks to be freely distributed to some of its members in the Council.

However, due to limited quantity produced, we ca allocate for now 3 masks per Affiliate with the exception of Seniors Associations who will expectedly receive preferential appropriation. We will endeavour to produce more depending on the demand.

For those interested in getting the masks, kinldy email us the name and address of the members so that we can send them their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  by post.

We have sought and received clearance from the NSW Health Office for this humble project.

Stay home and keep safe.


Signed, ALRIC BULSECO, President

The letter also has the following footnote disclaimer:

Warning: This material has been cut out from an old bedsheet that has been washed and cleaned and sanitised prior to cutting. This face mask has been further steamer pressed prior to packing.Please wash this face mask upon receipt and prior to each use and discard the plastic bag. Use of this face mask is not an assurance against contractig coronavirus. For enquiries contac PCC on 0411679114. STAY HOME. stay safe.