NSW Minister for Fair Trading Stuart Ayres is calling on all university and TAFE students moving into rental accommodations for the first time to study up their rights and responsibilities under the NSW residential tenancy laws.
“It’s disappointing to see the number of complaints lodged with NSW Fair Trading relating to tenancy in 2013 have risen on the previous year’s figures>” Mr Ayres said.
“Conflict and confusion at the beginning or end of a tenancy can usually be avoide when tenants and landlords and property managing agents all have a thorough knowledge of each party’s rights and responsibilities.”
Mr Ayres said Fair Trading received 862 complaints in relation to tenancy issues I 2013, compared to 772 in 2012.
The most common issue causing complaint related to disputes over repairs and maintenance (with 121 complaints) followed closely by bond refunds (115 complints).
The non-lodgement of rental bonds (104 complaints), dissatisfactory service by property managers (49 complaints), and unspecified unsatisfactory conduct on the part of any party (38 complaints0 completed the top five list of most common tenancy gripes.
“Fair Trading has a wealth of information and advice for people renting in houses, strata buildings, and residential parks on ints web it www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au ” Mr Ayres said.
“The fact sheets for tenants and landlords which incudes advice n taking a bond, tenancy databases and discrimination when renting, are valuable for any young person about t enter their first tenancy agreement.”
“Young people can also contact Fair Trading over issues relating to property management agreements and problems with real estate agents on 9895 0297 or toll free on 1800 625 963.”
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