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Penafrancia in Penrith on 21 September

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Mrs Neria and Mr Tito Soliman of ADOLP

President of the association Australian Devotees of Our Lady of Penafrancia (ADOLP) Dr Tito Soliman announced that the 2013 Feast of Our Lady of Penafrancia, a famous Marian devotee festival in Bicol, Philippines will be held on Saturday 21 September at.

Focal point of the festival will be novena devotion on several weekends  leading to the festival day, a concelebrated Catholic mass at the St Nicholas of Myra Church on High Street in Penrith and a fluvial procession at the Nepean river.

Devotees to the traditional fluvial procession should assemble at the Tench Reserve from 12:00 noon o 12:30 PM on 21 September. Fellowship lunch and cultural program will be held at the Factory Street end of Tench Reserve after the fluvial procession.

Schedule of weekend novenas before Penafrancia day:  31 August – Our Lady of Peace Parish, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes; 7 September – location to be announced; 14 September -Holy Family Parish Luxford St, Mt  Druitt.

For more information, please call Tito/Neria – 0404 011 524; Ben Bongat  0432 370 160; Au Aaron 0432 703 397 Noe Adan 0402 157 133 Evelyn Datoc 0410 511 745