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CBSF Bowling Makes Mission Trip to the Philippines Possible Last February


CBSF representatives in the One Mission trip to the Philippines last February2013
CBSF representatives in the One Mission trip to the Philippines last February2013

The Christian Bowling Sports Fellowship or CBSF in Western Sydney which is held for several weekends around April and May every year rewarded the winning team playeers  with chance to participate in a two week mission trip to the Philippines.

CBSF convenor Mr. Joey Espinoza of  Rooty Hill said the eventual mission trip called One Mission concluded in February this year and ministered to 3,500 individuals in  eight locations in Luzon and Visayas in the Philippines.

One Mission team hooked up with a group of local dentists and doctors and the field community services team of several churches and civic groups.

It was the third mission trip launched by the CBSF bowling tournament that raised much of the team’s local transport and overhead expenses whilst on mission trip. Mission participants timed their holiday vacation to the Philippines around the mission trip’s schedule and paid for their plane fare to Manila.

CBSF treasurer Ms Precy Corpuz of Plumpton, NSW coordinated the team’s activities in the Philippines last February. The team visited the following churches and community centres:  God is Good Mission Church  in San Felipe, Zambales on February 8; I Care Fellowship  in Old Cabalan, Olongapo City on February 9; Saving Grace Christian Church in Castillejos, Zambales on February 10; the  Goodstart Learning Center in San Miguel, Iloilo; and the Goodstart Learning Center in Bacolod City.

The team offered free dental and free medical consultations to chidren and adults; mammogram tests to womenfolk, and distributed free slippers, toothbrush and toothpaste  and during lunchtimes, free lunchboxes.

One Mission team also used part of the time to share the Christian faith and to pray for people needing encouragement and reassurance.

Meanwile the CBSF bowling tournament which raised funds for the mission trip  kicked off  early in April  at the  AMF Bowling Inn inside the Rooty Hill RSL compound in Rooty Hil, NSW. Mr. Joey Espinoza said this tournament will help raise funds for the planned One Mission trip to the Philippines in 2015.

Those interested to support CBSF on its One Mission project can still field a bowling team or offer any support, please call Joey Espinoza on 0416 223 311 or Ramil Zabala oon 0421 210 448, both in Western Sydney.