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Peak Body PCC-NSW Officials Oathtaking

IMG_7730 (640x336)Mrs. Elsa Collado, previously 2011 President of the Philippine Communities Council of NSW (PCC-NSW) led the group of newly elected officials for 2013 of the community organisation peak body to be sworn to office in a ceremony at the Philippine Consulate General in Sydney.
Along with Collado were Alric Bulseco – vice president external; Solina Lapalma – vice president internal; Mellie Banan – trasurer; Darrel Swadling – secretary; Evelyn Beed – auditor; Atory Sayas – immediat past president and members of the board of directors Mercy Jones, Max Encomienda, Angie Jenkins and Robert Bock.  Absent were the other directors Nenita Weekes and Bert Rejante
All officers serve for one year and another election is scheduled at about February or Marh next year.
About two weeks earlier, Mr. Atoy Sayas conceded the 2013 presidency to Collado in an schedued voting runoff to break the tied result for the presidency in an earlier  eltection. As umbrella organisation, PCC-NSW officially represents   close to 50 community organisations  in NSW  in many signifiicant talks, meetings and community initiatives in partnership with NSW state government and the Federal government .  PCC-NSW also presides and initiates the biggest and  well respected Philippine Independence Day Ball in June every year as well as the almost yarly  fud raising project or the benefit of  typhoon and fire victims both in the Philippines and in Australia.  Many of the repected Philippine community leaders including present Blacktwn Councillor Mr. Jess Diaz have served  as officials of PCC-NSW.

