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Childhood Memories

After a tricky task of reading a book and taking care of the kids at the same time, I finally managed to finish the book “Memoirs of Sipocot” I had received a few days ago. I had to put extra effort because I have to always take a time out when one of the kids starts to wreck something then I would find myself reading the same paragraph over again. But it was worth it. The book was not just informative but gave an experience, a heart-warming and inspiring one.

Honestly, I never had an idea what and where Sipocot was. The book took me on a quick trip not only back in time but also to this lovely province.  I swear I could smell the fresh air and hear the sound of the smooth breeze rustling over the trees and even the flow of the calm waters of the river while I was reading this book. It was a time when men were one with nature and not with technology.

The simple yet serene life proved that we can live with only our necessities and we would live just fine. It makes me wonder if the place had preserved this kind of lifestyle or did it flow with time. I do hope one day, I could visit this place with my kids so they could learn to appreciate what we have and be inspired with our heritage.

I found a very few number of books I read that made an impact and this book was one of them. Maybe it awakens my nostalgia. The recollection of childhood memories made me remember my own. Being an only child, I was often alone but my cousins served as siblings that I had those wonderful moments with. The silly pranks that were narrated and the consequence of a long spanking were just the same as I had experienced. I even missed those times because being a grown-up, there are worse consequences than that of being spanked. The long hours of play and careless disposition made the most of our times. But it wasn’t all about that. It also mirrored the difficult times. The struggle and views of children in facing problems were also clearly stated. It showed how a personality is refined like a gold being put to fire. And as the juvenile entrepreneurs taught us, we must find an opportunity from every problem that comes our way.

But I guess what really touched and moved my heart was the son’s account of her mother’s love and struggle. I sometimes found myself complaining that raising three kids is such a huge task but imagine raising six. It humbled me and inspired me to try even harder. It showed how a mother should be; firm, loving and strong. In the end, what really matters is how our kids remember us when they were young. It’s not how many spanks we gave them but how much we sacrifice and do everything for them. It’s a nice consolation to know that when they grow up they will be proud and appreciative of their mothers.

However, this book made me yearn for so much more. This gave me a feeling of excitement that I had way back when my grandmother would tell stories after our afternoon siestas chanting, “Tell me more!”  I do hope other people will find inspiration in this book just as I did. I also hope that the author would continue to bequeath us with these priceless treasures.