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Looking Back at a Year Past

As the year is ending, it can’t be helped to look back on what 2012 has brought us. Surely a lot has happened but only a few impacting events can be remembered, and usually these occurrences sums up what we think about this year.

Is there something you regret? Or maybe an un-fortunate event that makes you think badly about this year and you would want to fast forward the remaining days to get to 2013? In my humble opinion, there is so much to be thankful for despite some disasters.

Did you lose a job this year? Good for you! Now you have an even better opportunity to start over again. You may never know the fulfillment you will gain from the new career that is waiting for you. Did you have a fight with a friend or relative? Now is the chance to practice humility. And after the storm of mis-understanding, your relation-ship will be more firm and stable. Did you just end a relationship with a special someone? Congratulations! It is high time to find your Mr. / Ms. Right. Did you lose a friend or a loved one? Be glad they are in peace.

You may have experienced hunger more than once during this year but you need to think about the other days from the 366 days that God has fed you and made you full.

You might have cried your heart out a few nights but is it still more than the times that friends or loved ones put a smile on your face?

During the times that you were sick, think about the times that you were healthy. For every calamity that you faced this year, count the days that the sunshine shone in your face. For every enemy you made this year, you probably have much more friends.

Are you drowned in debt? Thank God you are still alive and have the necessities to live your everyday life. Frankly, I am not a very optimistic person. I don’t linger in impossible thoughts or dreams. This is the reality of our life. The fact that you are alive and reading this article says enough.

There is so much to be thankful for, statistically and scientifically speaking. What better way to give thanks to the Lord than celebrating the essence of Christmas?

We all have something to give back. While other countries have Thanksgiving and Chuseok, we have Christmas. What other way to show our gratitude than to share the joy with all our friends, families and even random strangers? A simple gift or even a greeting is sufficient.

A gesture of love is priceless but says everything. Recon-ciliation is a hard work but an awesome gift. Most would think it is a season of overspending but the whole thought is to share whatever we have to everyone else. When you think this year is such a failure, think again. Surely the three hundred sixty six days of this year gave you something that you should be really grateful for. I say this because I am.

Despite all the tragedies or hardships I have encountered this year, everything still seems perfect. This is a perfect opportunity to say my thanks to my family, my husband and my kids for the never ending support and inspiration.

To my father and mother who never failed to cheer me up during the hopeless times, I love you a lot. To all my friends who heard my suffering and still offered a helping hand, you are all my treasures. Of course to all our relatives, who stood there to support and help whenever we were aching too much, we hope we can give something back but you are all priceless. And last but not the least, thank you God, for a fulfilling year that was. Merry Christmas to all! Spread the love!