Two groups of community leaders claiming to represent the Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations (APCO) met separately and elected their own set of officers.

Awkward to call them APCO-1 or APCO-2. Calling them with subscript of the name of their elected association president’s name should be appropriate.
Propriety for using the APCO brand has not been resolved by the split groups which can now be called APCO Escultura and APCO Salazar.
At the moment, each one seems to be convenient with the co-existence wiith each one with its own set of officers.
APCO Escultura led by Ed Escultura of Campbelltown area elected their set of officers during the AGM and 11th APCO foundation gettogether at the Auburn Youth Centre . It was attended by prominent leaders Violeta Escultura (outgoing president). Dr. Cen Amores, Dr. Jimmy Lopez, Rose Lay and Charles Chan.
Their officers are : President – Dr. Edgar E. Escultura ; Senior Vice President – Mr. Charles Chan ; Junior Vice President – Mrs. Carmen Fraser ; Secretary Mrs. Josephine Tada ; Treasurer – Mr. Willie Plan ; Auditor – Ms. Marissa Houston, PRO – Ms. Glorina Papaioannou
Board of Directors: Mrs. Cora Bojarski; Mr. Albert Prias ; Mrs. Rose Lay ; Ms. Zeny Piosik; Mr. George Torres; Ms. Edna Crowe ; Mrs. Josie de Guzman-Johnson; Ms. Caroline Cardos; Advisers: Dr. Cen Amores; Mr. Ruben Amores; Dr. Jimmy R. Lopez; Mrs. Violeta Escultura
The APCO Salazar group elected their set of officers in a meeting at Liverpool City Library. Former PCC-NSW Board members Rado Gatchalian and Demi Robinson acted as election officers. Elected officers are : President – Jhun Salazar, Vice-President Senior – Cora Paras IPP
Vice-President Junior – Larry Perez, Secretary – Linda Price
Treasurer – Edna Voros, Internal Auditor – Alma Middlebrook
Press Relations Officer – Richard J Ford, and Directors- Rita Agostino, Joe Agostino, Linda Trinidad, Roberto Sacilotto, Mars Cavestany, Violi Miguel, Dian Ford, Pet Storey.
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