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PCC calls for consolidating fund raising, community lobbying

Newly sworn President of the Philippine Communities Council of NSW (PCC-NSW) Mr Alric Bulseco called for consolidation of fund-raising and overall lobbying for the Philippine community in NSW during the official  oath-taking of PCC-NSW officials held at the Philippine Consulate at Wentworth Street, in Sydney CBD.

Mr Bulseco unveiled what he considered a vision for more consolidated roles for PCC-NSW in its external relationships with government, business and other bodies outside PCC-NSW and the internal networking with affiliate community organisations.

Mr Bulseco who occupied various positions in PCC-NSW during the past 10 years said PCC-NSW is a peak body organisation  which hold the same events in a calendar year such as the Independence Day Ball in June, the Philippine Pasko in November and a string of other fund-raising and celebratory events. He replaced Mrs Serna Ladia as PCC-NSW president.

Mr Bulseco said a number of affiliate organisations are in the same situations of holding their own events in a calendar year.

Mr Bulseco said PCC-NSW and some affiliate organisations can maximise sponsorship for these events by combining their respective efforts, such as taking advantage of availing of discounts in holding the events in favourable venues or soliciting sponsors  for souvenir programs.

Representatives of affiliate organisations attended the oath-taking of PCC-NSW officials before Philippine Consul General Maria Theresa Taguiang, who also addressed the occasion and announced a number of coming activities for the community, such as the coming “Sentro Rizal”  sometime in March.

The complete list of officers with their represented affilliate bodies are:  Alric Bulseco, president (AusMindanao) ; Rado Ratchaian, vice president external (Pangasinan One), Sheila Collantes, vice president internal (Hot Mamas); Rod Dingle, secretary (Pangasinan Association) ; Alice Tayaban, treasurer (Philippine Cordillerans); Demi Robinson, auditor (Philippine Australian Society of Senior Citizens) and Espie Pogson, PRO (Ilocano Associations)  The following are directors of the board: Angeles Belleza (Sydney Australian Filipino Seniors, Inc.), Angie Jenkins ( Baybay and Friends), Emily Rudd (Pozorubbians), Maria Grace Liston (Alpha Phi Omega Sydney), Precy Santos (Filipino Association of Eastern Suburbs), Rowena Turnbull (Bathurst Filipino Australians), and Rox Molavin (Eastern Visayas Community Organisation).

The vibrant  activities of Philippine community organisations have been largely supported by  companies relying on such businesses as hotels and restaurants, money remittances, Australian government programs, not to mention small to medium multicultural businesses.

Celebration of the yearly Philippine Independence Day Declaration in June is always a high point of the community’s activities. Two peak organisations and about half a dozen Philippine community organisations become active solicitors of support from friendly businesses and government projects during this season.