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Three Affiliates of APCO Nominated for Zest Awards

Three  affiliates of Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations (APCO) including a long time community leader and two community groups  vied for various categories of community awards at the recent ZEST awards – an annual performance-based recognition of outstanding accomplishments by organisations and individuals in community services in Greater Western Sydney.

South Western Sydney community leader Mr Jimmy Lopez was a nominee in the Outstanding Volunteer Community Leader. On the other hand the Filipino Lesbian and Gay Community and Friends (Flagcom) and the Filipinas Dance Group were nominated for  Outstanding Project Promoting Social Cohesion and Community Harmony category, and the Outstanding Voluntary Group /Organisation category, respectively.

Organised by Western Sydney Community Forum, peak regional body of community services and organisations operating within the Greater Western Sydney region, there were 15 awards categories and the nominees included 43 individuals, 57 group projects and 9 organisations.

Held at the ANZ Stadium at the Homebush Olympic Park on the 16th of February 2018, the award ceremony was attended by some 1000 guests led by the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian MP, the Leader of the Opposition Luke Foley MP, some Federal and Local MPs, the academe, community, school, church and business leaders of the 15 LGAs of Greater Western Sydney and representatives and volunteers of the different community services and organisations.

In her capacity as a ZEST Ambassador, Dr Cen Amores, APCO Founding president and current President of ASCOIN Inc was an award presenter. Dr Amores, was the recipient of the 2013 ZEST Outstanding Community Leader on a Voluntary capacity. APCO, Flagcom and Filipinas Dance Group were represented by Pres Pet Storey, Adviser Ruben Amores, Board Members Emma Braceros and Glorina Papapaianou and Josephine de los Reyes, Albert Prias, Dian Ford, Rita and Joe Agostino, Aresna and John Frost, Alexis Tan and Faiel Valenzuela.