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Victorian Police Multi-Faith Council Scores Reported Plot To Attack Melbourne

December 23 –  The Victoria Police Multi-faith Council which is an advisory board to Victoria Police comprising representatives from major faith groups and organisations issued statement  saying their unity in their shock and condemnation of an alleged planned terrorist attack in the Melbourne CBD.

Senior Communications Officer Sophie Jennings of the Victorian Police released the statement.

These alleged acts were not acts of faith, ethnicity or culture. They were opposed to the principles of all religions. They were alleged acts of criminality that do not reflect the harmonious values we collectively strive to promote.” Jennings said. 

“We stand together for cohesion and harmony and are confident that Victoria’s multicultural and diverse community will unite in the face of these challenges in a positive and peaceful way.

 “Anything that disrupts our unity only gives strength to those who try to divide us and as such, acts of racism or victimisation will not be tolerated.

 “The Multi-faith Council wishes to express its gratitude to Victoria Police and partner agencies for their support and action in keeping our community safe.

 The Victoria Police Multi-faith Council membership includes: Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, Faith Communities Council of Victoria, Islamic Council of Victoria, Jewish Community Council of Victoria, Multicultural Affairs and Social Cohesion Division, Religions for Peace Australia, Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria, Victorian Multi-Faith Advisory Group.



Sophie Jennings | Senior Communications Officer Media & Corporate Communications Department | Victoria Police