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Philippine Senator Bongbong Marcos

Sen. Marcos To AFP, PNP: Launch All-Out Offensive vs. Islamic Militants Who Beheaded Malaysian Hostage

Philippine Senator Bongbong Marcos
Philippine Senator Bongbong Marcos

MANILA, Philippines – Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” R. Marcos, Jr. today challenged military and police leaders to launch an all-out aggressive offensive against the Abu Sayyaf bandits who reportedly beheaded a Malaysian hostage similar to the gruesome executions carried out by the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) fighters.
“This is a slap on the face of our authorities since the execution was timed when Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is here to attend the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit that we are hosting this year,” said Marcos.
“Condemnation of this dastardly act won’t be enough. The only way we can recover from this black eye is for our military and police to bring these criminals to justice the soonest possible time,” he added.
Reports said the ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group) killed Bernard Then Te Fen in Indanan, Sulu after his family failed to pay the ransom the militants demanded for his release. Earlier this month the ASG released another kidnapped Malaysian, Thien Nyuk Fun, after a ransom was reportedly paid. The ASG kidnapped the two Malaysians in May in Sabah and brought them boat across the sea border to Sulu.
Prime Minister Najib has asked the Philippine authorities to punish the kidnappers as he also condemned in the strongest terms the murder of his countrymen, which he said “shocked and sickened” him and fellow Malaysians.
The Al-Qaida linked ASG has been conducting kidnapping, beheadings, extortion and bomb attacks despite some setbacks they suffered in the past as a result of the military and police offensives against them.
Earlier, Marcos also asked authorities to stop reported attempts of terror groups such as the ASG and Jemaah Islamiah from forging an official ISIS faction in Southeast Asia.

Criselda Cabangon David, a happy mother of two kids, is a full-time Sociologist at the City Government of Lucena, Quezon Province. She is currently the Managing Editor of Ang Diaryo Natin Sunday News, a weekly local community newspaper in the Philippines and an active member of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines.