MAKATI CITY, Philippines – The City Government of Makati has partnered with the private sector and transport groups in order to lessen air pollution and carbon emissions in the city.
The city hopes to promote cleaner air through the use of cloud technology and electric-powered or environment-friendly vehicles via partnership with Global Mobility Service Philippines Inc. (GMS) and Tricycle Operator Driver Associations of Makati City (TODA-Makati).
Makati Acting Mayor Romulo “Kid” Peña said through the partnership with the private and transport sectors, Makati would be able to improve its environment and air quality. “The city government believes that the private sector could contribute much in the implementation of worthwhile programs and projects, and this MOU would bring Makati a step higher in its advocacy in improving the quality of air in the city and implementing the Clean Air Act.”
“I am really proud that through this partnership, Makati would be the first local government in the country to have transport vehicles monitored through Global Positioning System,” he added, “and with each vehicle equipped with the advanced Mobility-Cloud Connecting System that includes the GPS, the vehicles would be safer to drive and ride.”
Under the MOU, GMS will finance the tricycles so that operators and/or drivers could avail a unit at a very low downpayment and minimal daily amortization to be payable in three years. Twenty units have already been released to the operators and drivers, with 240 more in the coming months.
The city government and TODA-Makati will ensure that only qualified operators and drivers would be able to avail of the units, who must be of good standing in the transport community.
The operators and/or drivers could choose an electric vehicle or a 4-stroke engine tricycle which will be equipped with advanced transportation systems and technology that could be used in pollution reduction, enforcement of traffic regulations and easing of traffic congestion.
Through this initiative, the parties aim for the reduction of conventional types of vehicles that contribute to air and noise pollution, while promoting care for the environment, profitability, efficient transportation and latest transport technologies.
At present there are 7,000 tricycle operators in the city and 3,000 drivers.
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