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NSW Minister Victor Dominello

Youth Week in NSW, 4-13 April 2014

PIMG_2633 (2)Local councils in New  South Wales will  spearhead the celebration of  a state wide “Youth Week” on 4-13 April  with events and activities under the theme “Our Voice – Our Impact.”

NSW  Minister Citizenship and Communities Mr  Victor Dominello said  local councils in NSW will receive over $242,000 to help prepare for the Youth Week celebrations.

Mr Dominello said the funding will help local councils to empower young people in their community to stage events and activities throughout the ten-day celebration. This year’s theme is “Our Voice – Our Impact”.

“Youth Week is the largest annual youth participation event in Australia and we want all young people in NSW to be part of it.

“It’s an opportunity to celebrate young people’s achievements, aspirations and ability to be leaders in our community,” Mr Dominello said.

“Youth Week gives young people lots of opportunities to make a contribution and connect with their local communities – one of the NSW Government’s 2021 goals.

“The Design Competition encourages young artists to challenge themselves by devising artwork which captures the essence of Youth Week.

“What I love most about this celebration is that young people themselves organise the events – from planning, to fundraising, promotion and event management,” he said.

“In the past we have seen everything from concerts, photography exhibitions, sporting competitions, DJ workshops and youth forums.


“Last year more than 110,000 young people from cities, suburbs and country towns participated in close to 800 different projects and activities.


“I am also proud to note that in 2013, NSW with a third of Australia’s youth population, had more than 52% of Youth Week participants across Australia and hosted 56% of the activities. We are hoping for an even bigger and better for Youth Week in 2014


“The Youth Week design competition was won by 20-year-old Merinda Ramage, of Upper Lansdowne, for her thought-provoking artwork featuring a multicultural display of hands, a megaphone and words including create, unite, passion and inspire,” He said.
For more information on Youth Week visit the website, Facebook or follow @youthweeknsw on Twitter.