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Auburn local college students, staff join to donate for Typhoon Haiyan relief in Philippines

PacificImage (320x216)The recent news of the  destruction caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines has touched the hearts not only of  government  and community  leaders, and Filipinos with relatives and friends in Eastern Visayas in the country but also the  staff and students of Auburn’s local Pacific College of Technology (PCT).

The college is running an appeal among students and staff to donate some money to hep provide necessary relief to affected people through the Australian Red  Cross, which initially reached $500 on it first day.

Mr Pradip Dhakal, Principal of Pacific  College of Technology said: “Auburn s a multicultural and diverse area of Sydney and our College certainly reflects that diversity. We have a large number of Filipino students, and so the recent news in the Philippines has been a great concern.

“Upon initiating the appeal , we have witnessed overwhelming support from the Pacific College family for this worthy cause and raised  significant sum of money which will soon be sent on to hep people in the Philippines in the relief effort.”

Alicia Ochoa, a Pacific College f Technology student from Quezon City in the Philippines said, “I was surprised and  delighted that the College ran the fund raiser. It was a touching gesture and I new the funds raised will be very welcome back home in te Philippines.”