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Binay and Poe file their first bills in the Senate

Senate newbies Nancy Binay and Grace Poe-Llamanzares filed for their proposed bills on their first day of office last July 1.


Binay said that she is already starting to work on the promises she made during the campaign, and she is now fulfilling her advocacy and United Nationalist Alliance’s (UNA) legislative agenda.


Among her bills are The Employers Child Care Centers Act of 2013; Parents in Jail Act of 2013; Special Education Act of 2013; Women’s and Children’s Resource Development and Crisis Assistance Act of 2013; The Indigent Children Free Medical and Dental Service Act; Firecracker Safety Law; and Women and Gender Education Act.


In addition are The Anti-Corporate Punishment Act of 2013; The E-Vaw Law of 2013, Rest Period For Women Employees; Sex Offenders School Access Prohibition Act; Philippine Arbitration Commission Act of 2013; Petroleum Exploration and Development Act; Sugar Cane Industry Development Act of 2013; and the Food Fortification Act.


In preparation for her Senate duties, Binay took a crash course on legislative work at the University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance.


Despite being criticized for her lack of experience in government work as she had worked only as personal assistant to her father, Vice President Jejomar Binay, she ranked 5th among the winners of the Senatorial elections.


Meanwhile, the former Movie and Television Review and Classification Board Chairperson Grace Poe filed a bill promoting Film Tourism, which seeks to make the country a primary shooting destination for local and international films.


Also, Poe file another bill to enact a nutritious feeding program for grade school and high school students all over the country.


The neophyte Senator, finished number one among the winning 12 Senators in the May 13, 2013 Elections.

Corabelle is the Bayanihan's Phillippine News Correspondent.