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Philippines Ranks 129th in Global Peace Index

GPIPhilippines is ranked as one of the “least peaceful nations in the world and in Asia Pacific region in the Global Peace Index (GPI) 2013 released by the Institute for Economics and Peace.


The Philippines scored 2.37 in the index which placed 129th among 162 countries, a slight improvement from 133rd in 2012.


GPI cited the ongoing internal civil conflict, which puts the country in the lower rankings.


But the slight improvement was seen on the improved prospects for peace between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), when a framework deal for a potential peace agreement was signed, according to the index.


GPI is a leading measure of national peacefulness that ranks countries according to their absence of violence.


It assessed 22 indicators which include ongoing domestic and international conflict, societal safety and security and militarization.


The other countries listed among the least peaceful are Afghanistan (162), Somalia (161), Syria (160), Iraq (159), Sudan (158), Pakistan (157), the Democratic Republic of Congo (156), Russia (155) and Central African Republic (153).


Iceland is the most peaceful country, followed by Denmark, New Zealand, Austria and Switzerland.


Meanwhile, the Philippine government vowed to continue its efforts to address the domestic peace and security concerns in the country, said Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte.

Corabelle is the Bayanihan's Phillippine News Correspondent.