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$233,000 total grant for Vic ethnic seniors

Seniors from ethnic groups will share $233,000 n Victoral Coalition Government funding accross the state to help them remain active and participating community member and enjoy the spois of life earned, Minister fir health and Ageing Mr David Davis announced recently.

Mr Davis said 50 groups and agencies across Victoria would receive grants from the second round of the Participation for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Seniors grants program.

“These grants deliver on our election promise to increase support for isolated seniors from CALD backgrounds, and encourage them to participate more fully in their community,” Mr Davis said.

“The Coalition Government has committed $1.6 million over four years to support older Victorians from all cultural backgrounds to live independent, active and healthy lives.

“Our older people offer a wealth of life experience, and it is important they are sharing and enjoying this with other seniors from their ethnic background and from the wider community.”

A further $165,000 has been committed this year to provide assistance to grant applicants and recipients through partnerships with the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, U3A Network, the Centre for Cultural Diversity and Ageing, the John Richards Initiative and Seniors Information Victoria.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Nicholas Kotsiras said he was pleased to see the grants widely spread among 26 different ethnic groups.

“Australian Institute for Health & Welfare data shows nearly a third of all Victorians aged over 65 are from a CALD background,” Mr Kotsiras said.

“These are people who have contributed significantly to making Victoria a world-class state rich in culture, produce and skills. They have played a major role in establishing Victoria’s rich cultural fabric for which it is proud of and famed for.”