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June 12 flag raising at Schofield’s PACC; New board members appointed

RVS_20130612_9999_2 (320x239) RVS_20130612_9999_59 (320x232)A simple flag raising ceremony marked the observance by the Philippine Australian Community Foundation Inc. (PACF) of the 115th anniversary of the declaration of Philippine independence.


Around 50 people gathered at the Philippine-Australian Cultural Centre in Schofields on Wednesday, 12th June 2013 when at exactly 12.00pm the flags of the Philippines and then of Australia were raised as they sung the two national anthems.


A program featured a salute to the Philippine flag by Chris Albano and inspirational talks by Kevin Conolly MP Member for Riverstone, artist Daisy Ann Cumming, and writer Richie Valencia Buenventura. Guest of honour Dr Floro Quibuyen whose professional experience ranges from teaching (at the University of the Philippines and at the University of Hawaii at Manoa) to filmmaking to video production delivered a short and interesting speech of historical insights.  Fellowship and weather appropriate lunch of hot arroz caldo capped the celebration.


Appointments to the PACF Board of Trustees

Dr Jimmy Lopez was welcomed to his first Board meeting in April 2013 as member and treasurer of the Board of Trustees. His appointment was made following the resignation of PACF founding treasurer Mr Dads Morales.


Likewise Ms Elsa Collado was welcomed at the April meeting as ex-officio Board member in her capacity as president of Philippine Communities Council-NSW (PCC-NSW). The Board resolved to convey a vote of thanks to outgoing PCC representative Mr Atoy Sayas.


At the January 2013 board meeting, two new members were welcomed to their first meeting: Dr Cen Amores as honorary board member and Mr Jhun Salazar as ex-officio board member representing the Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations (APCO).


The composition of the PACF Board of Trustees is currently seven permanent members ( Mansueto Villon – Chairman; Luz Tiqui – CEO; Minerva Santos – Secretary; Jimmy Lopez  – Treasurer; Cosme Purugganan; Larry Muldong and Dan Elizes), two honorary members (Cen Amores  and Lourdes Moonen), and five ex-officio members (Lito Yunon – FILCOS Blacktown;  Wilma Bacucang – FILCOS Fairfield; Marlon Cabilao – FILCOS North Shore; Elsa Collado – PCC-NSW and Jhun Salazar – APCO).


Reactivation of the Philippine-Australian Cultural Centre

The PACF Board of Trustees at a special meeting on 16March 2013 discussed proposals and strategies for the reactivation of the Philippine-Australian Cultural Centre. Guest resource person was Ruben Amores, founding president of the highly successful and multi-awarded Kapitbahayan Cooperative Ltd.


Two committees were established: the Project Development Committee which will develop long and medium-term development plans as a guide in pinpointing phase-by-phase development according to an established timeline, and the Finance Committee whose brief will include the development of effective fundraising strategies to support the above. These two committees will seek community input through consultations and meetings.