Sydney, Mon. Feb 11 – NSW Fair Trading has launched a Facebook communication campaignfor tertiary students providing essential advice for all university and TAFE students includinginternational students who face tough hurdles in negotiating unfamiliar educational and economic terrain.
NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe launched the information campaign “Helping StudentsStay On Course” to help tertiary students whether it’s in renting a house, applying for finance,buying a used car or seeking a refund on textbook or computer software.
The Facebook campaign started Monday 11 February, until the end of the month, to coincide withthe Orientation Week activities.
Mr. Stowe called on all international students to put the publications “Fair Trading ConsumerGuide for International Students” and the “Top Ten Consumer Tips for Students” on their list ofrecommended reading, “The Fair Trading free Shopsmart app is available for Androids and iPhones and has informationabout online shopping, refund, warranty and lay-by rights – great resource for student,” he said.
Shopsmart answers common shopping questions and cen help you understand your AustralianConsumer Law Rights.
You can store photos of your receipts and set reminders for gift-vouchers, lay-bys andwarranties. It has advice about online shopping, online auctions and group buying deals. Go to www.fairtrading.com.au for useful resources.
Fair Trading will be visiting campuses throughout February, hosting information stalls to coincide with Orientation Week activities.
The schedule: Southern Cross University, Gold Coast – Feb. 11; Navitas College, Parramatta – Feb.12; Sydney Institute, Ultimo – Feb 13; University of new England, Armidale – Feb. 19; Granville, TAFE – Feb. 20; Charles Sturt University, Orange; Feb. 25; Navitas College, Bankstown – Feb. 26; and University of Newcastle – Feb. 28.
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