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Renewed enthusiasm for W. Sydney Labor Party supporters with Rudd at the helm

2006 PCC-NSW officers and ALP Opposition MPs – seated Ruben Amores, Jimmy Lopez, Max Lopez; standing: Neil Galang, MP Juliet Owen, Leader of Oppostion Kevin Rudd, MP Laurie Ferguson and Evely Bead

Labor Party branch members  in Western Sydney including card carrying Filipino volunteers must have sighed with relief that they will face the forthcoming election this year with their old popular and favourite party leader Kevin Rudd back at the helm.

A number of Philippine community leaders had backed Rudd as far back as 2006 when the Queenslander was catapulted into the post of Federal Leader of the Opposition with periodic courtesy call to Rudd’s  Federal Parliament office in Canberra. And through the years, the Labor Party had recruited a formidable group of Filipino election volunteers who not only do letter drops but have been familiar fixtures as election precinct watchers and volunteers.

Apparently many Filipino migrants especially the elderly who have been accustomed as election campaign volunteers back in the Philippines enjoyed their equivalent roles supporting Western Sydney Labor candidates especially on election day.

Four Labor held Federal seats in Western Sydney have been earlier tagged in this year’s election as “battleground electorates” and are in danger of  going to the Coalition opposition.

Long time Labor Party stalwart and avowed Rudd supporter Mr Neil Galang  said  renewed optimism among  Labor party  election workers especially Filipino volunteers have strong reasons  to work hard now that they know the party has a good fight on its hand under Kevin Rudd.

Mr.  Galang  said the “Rudd factor”  gave Labor the winning edge in 2006 election despite the formidable John Howard at the forefront of the Coalition government.

“Certainly, there’s renewed enthusiasm among the rank and file.” said  the one-time Labor Party Marayong local branch treasurer Mr Galang.

Philippine community leaders had the history of supporting Labor Party in many previous elections in Western Sydney.

It would be interesting how Filipino votes can truly help Labor Party which had been lagging in many poll surveys and looks set to lose a few if not all Western Sydney seats to the Federal Parliament  in this year’s election.