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Papal Nuncio Yllana to celebrate Catholic Mass in Sydney

ADOLP Officers Pray Prayer of Commitment with Archbishop Yllana 15 June 2015 (1) (250x141)Australia’s new Papal Nuncio is scheduled to celebrate the Catholic mass in Sydney soon, said president of  Australian Devotees to Our Lady of Penafrancia or ADOLP  Mr Jun Relunia.

Filipino community leaders in Sydney led by  ADOLP president Mr Jun  Relunia recently visited the new Papal Nuncio or Pope’s Ambassador to Australia His Holiness  Adolfo Yllana, 67,  at the Vatican embassy or Nunciature in Canberra, ACT.

Papal Nuncio Adolfo “Tito” Yllana who has the title of  Bishop  meet a delegations of mainly Bicolano community leaders who were beaming with pride to meet a kababayan or province mate.  Bishop Yllana was born in  Naga City in the province of Camarines Sur, Philippines.

It was sort of record to have a Catholic Pope’s representative to Australia a Filipino, let alone a Bicolano from Camarines Sur in the Philippines..

The delegation of Sydney community leaders was lead by  officials of  ADOLP which has successfully hosted  the long running Penafrancia Festival in Penrith, NSW an  Australian version of the highly famous religious and tourism festival in  Naga City, Philippines.

The group included Mrs. Ellen Pan, Doc Tito Soliman, Aurora Aaron, Norma Evens, Neria Soliman, Jun Relunia, Grace ubio, Pi Gaite,  and William Gaite.

Philippine community leaders are making arrangement for the celebration of Catholic mass by Bishop Yllana  at a  yet to be announced church in Sydney.

Bishop Yllana obtained his religious study from the Holy Rosary Seminary, also in Naga City  and was ordained priest in 1972 in the Archdiocese of Caceres in Naga City.

Twelve years after ordination, Yllana joined the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See. Yllana obtained the doctor of laws both from the Lateran University in Rome and began his diplomatic  career after finishing his studies at the Academica Ecclesiastica, the premier academy fr diplomatic corps in Vatican.

Yllana’s previous diplomati postings were in Ghana, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Lebanon, Greece. Hungary and China.

Yllana had served as aApostolic Nuncio in Papua New Guineau, Solomons Islands, Pakistan and  Democratic Republic of  Congo.