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SAFSI July 4th celebration

Parents Visa is back


SAFSI July 4th celebration
SAFSI July 4th celebration

By Grant Williams *

Back in June I reported in my article ‘Budget Cancels Family Visas’ that Non-contributory parent and Other Family visas were to cease being available. The Federal Government actually ceased these visas on 2 June 2014.

Green’s Senator Hanson-Young successfully moved a disallowance motion in Federal parliament against the Migration Amendment (Repeal of Certain Visa Classes) Regulation 2014, as contained in Select Legislative Instrument 2014 No. 65  [F2014L00622], made under the Migration Act 1958. This motion was successful.

This means that non-contributory parent and other family visas can now be lodged again. So all these visas are now again available –

Parent (subclass 103) – the basic offshore parent visa
Aged Parent (subclass 804) – the only remaining onshore parent visa without a huge upfront cost to the applicant
Aged Dependent Relative (114) – offshore
Remaining Relative (115) – offshore
Carer (116) – offshore
Remaining Relative (835) – onshore
Carer (836) – onshore
Aged Dependent Relative (838) – onshore

DIBP advice is as follows…

“From 25 September 2014, the following visa subclasses in the Family Stream of the Migration Programme are open to new applications

  • Parent visa (subclass 103)
  • Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)
  • Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclasses 114 and 838)
  • Remaining Relative visa (subclasses 115 and 835)
  • Carer visa (subclasses 116 and 836).

Only new applications will be accepted for these visa subclasses. 

If you lodged an application for one of these visas after 2 June 2014 and before 25 September 2014 this application is still invalid and cannot be accepted by the department. You will need to re-lodge your application.”

Full information about these visas can be found at this DIBP website link…


The Department’s website is reporting extensive queues for these visas and you should be aware of these before considering lodging any of these applications:

  • Non-Contributory Parent visa – approximately 30 years
  • Carer visa – approximately 4.5 years
  • Remaining Relative and Aged Dependent Relative – approximately 56 years
  • *Grant Williams is a Registered Migration Agent – MARN 0854799 and Managing Director of Immigration Pty Ltd. Grant has been a Registered Migration Agent since 1997. You can read more of his immigration related musings on his Blog at http:/ or you can call him on 0430 351 877 to air your thoughts and reactions.