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2013 Christmas Message


I extend to your readers and the members of your community my best wishes for a happy Christmas.

 Christmas is a wonderful time of the year.

 It’s a time to reflect, to count one’s blessings and to give thanks for all the good things in life.

 We are a good and generous people. I hope this Christmas we will remember those who are having a tough time – and lend them a hand where we can.  

 To the volunteers in your community who provide so much work assisting others throughout the year, I say thank you. You are an inspiration to us all.

 This Christmas Day, like every day, our hospitals, police stations and fire brigades will be ready and working.  I thank the nurses, doctors, police, firies and emergency services personnel who will be missing Christmas lunch because they are keeping our communities safe. We all hope you have a quiet day. 

From my family to yours, I wish you a happy, peaceful and safe Christmas.


The Hon Tony Abbott MP

Prime Minister of Australia 

December 2013