Philippine community organisations in Sydney have started initiatives to help victims of super typhoon Odette that hit Visayas and parts of Mindanao.

Philippine Community Council of NSW President Mr Alric Bulseco said they already received personal donations even as the PCC-NSW board met to discuss assistance through its facility Philippine Australian Disaster Emergency Relief (PADER) which help victims of disasters such as typhoon in the Philippines or bushfire in Australia.
For her part, Dr Cen Amores said her organisations Multicultural Assistance Task Force (MATF) and the Auburn Small Community Organisation Network (ASCON) have already started an appeal to their members to help kababayans in the affected areas.
Amores also said talk had been made with with Ed Escultura President of Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations (Escultura wing) for a combined fund appeal to their membership.
The community group Handog Pinoy has already released an ad appealing for cash and relief goods donations.
Meanwhile Mr. Jhun Salazar said APCO (Salazar Wing) and the Visayan Association of Australia (VAA) are appealing for cash donations to provide immediate assistance.
He said there will be two fund raising in January and in February. Mr. Salazat said they already made a connection with a local a church volunteer group in Bohol as conduit for the assistance.
For his part Mr Ferdie Francisco said his organisation Timik Iti La Union (TILAUNA) plans to send assistance to three different provinces .
Likewise, Mr Cesar Bartolome said the group 1Sambayan Australia has started appeal for cash donations.
Mr Benjie Lualhati revealed the Super Senior Kalabaw Golfers will hold a charity tournament on 28 December aiming to generate $70 donation per golfer.
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