Philippine community leader Ms Evelyn Opilas reported that the NSW Electoral Commission needs workers for the coming local election as long as they are not actively engged in political work or parties in NSW and Australia.

Ms Opilas noted the following notice from the NSW Ekectoral Commission:
Reminder – Expression of interest now open – Local Council Elections 2021
Dear applicant,
Thank you for your application to work at the election, this is currently being looked at and you should hear from your local Returning Officer soon.
We still need more people to apply to work at the local council elections on Saturday 4 December 2021.
Please let your family and friends know that work is available by forwarding them this email.
We encourage everyone to apply as soon as possible.
Roles are being offered now and will continue to be offered until 30 November 2021.
The link to register your Expression of Interest is below:
Please do not respond to this email.
Kind Regards,
Staffing TeamNSW Electoral Commission
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