Keeping your medical appointments
During coronavirus, it’s important to keep your regular medical appointments, particularly if you have chronic or existing health conditions.
It’s still safe to see your health provider. When you go for your appointment, follow the instructions they give you. This could include wearing a mask (your provider can give you one), sanitising your hands when arriving and entering through a separate area.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, let your health provider know when making your appointment. Also tell them about any recent travel or if you have come into contact with someone with COVID-19. Wear a mask to the appointment and remember to stay at least 1.5 metres away from other people at all times. Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow.
Telehealth appointments
Telehealth appointments are health care consultations conducted over the phone or video conferencing. They allow you to dial in and speak to your doctor without leaving your home. You don’t need any special equipment, and can either use your phone or a computer. You and your provider will decide the best system to use for your needs.
Doctors, nurses and mental health professionals can do telehealth appointments. Anyone with a Medicare card is eligible for telehealth services. Your doctor can also give you a prescription via a telehealth consultation.
During your telehealth appointment your doctor might need to give you a prescription. Doctors can provide you with a paper prescription or send a digital copy of the prescription to your preferred pharmacy following your telehealth consultation.
Home delivery of medication
You can have your medication delivered to your home. Home delivery is a good option if you are isolating, are more vulnerable to serious illness, or prefer to stay at home.
Call your preferred pharmacy or check their website to see if they offer home delivery and if they have the medication in stock. You may be able to order online or over the phone.
If you have a paper prescription, you must post it or get someone to take it to the pharmacy before they can deliver the medicine.
If your doctor sent a digital copy of the prescription, the pharmacy will send the medicine to the address on the prescription.
Support for mental health
The coronavirus is changing the way we live and spend time with those we love.
The pandemic will be with us for many months to come, and it is important that we remember to take care of our mental health as well as our physical health.
Stay connected to your friends, family, and community on the phone or internet.
If you are feeling stressed, sad, tired, anxious or angry, know that this is normal and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
More information about COVID-19
It is important to stay informed through official sources. Visit, call the Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080 or the translating and interpreting service on 131 450
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