MANILA, Philippines — Government planning, programming, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is seen to improve with the Public Investment Program Online (PIPOL) system, a new online database for government projects submitted for inclusion in the Core Investment Programs and Projects (CIP) of the Public Investment Program (PIP) and the Three-Year Rolling Infrastructure Program (TRIP), according to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).
“PIPOL will provide information with regard to what results and what targets are planned by respective agencies and corporations in relation to the new development plan which will be based on the Zero-plus-10 agenda of the Duterte administration,” said NEDA Public Investment Staff Director Jonathan L. Uy. PIPOL is designed to allow online submissions by agencies of their priority programs and projects, including comprehensive details and status updates.
It also allows NEDA to review and validate agency submissions, as well as to generate reports. “The participation of government agencies and corporations in the use of PIPOL will facilitate the programming and budgeting process for the programs and projects at the Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC), Infrastructure Committee (INFRACOM), Investment Coordination Committee (ICC), and Congress,” he said in a briefing on July 27, 2016. For programs and projects identified as a CIP, which need to go through ICC review and approval, their inclusion into the system allows NEDA to facilitate the process into the ICC.
Uy also stressed that the PIP will already focus on results with regard to government priorities, as a response to the move toward a performance-based management and monitoring system.

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