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ATO hosts “Reinventing ATO WORKSHOPS”

1 Sydney ATO Workshop (1) (250x158)In May 2015 the Access and Diversity Unit of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and ‘Reinventing the ATO’ team in conjunction with MultiConnexions conducted a series of workshops on ‘Reinventing the ATO’. Held in Sydney and Melbourne, the workshops aimed at gathering feedback from business leaders, community leaders and financial advisers from various multicultural communities. Steve Vesperman, Deputy Commissioner, ATO, Small Business & Individual Taxpayers explained the purpose of Reinventing the ATO as “an opportunity to give our clients, staff and stakeholders the best possible experience with the tax and super systems – it is about what the community wants from the ATO”. “The ATO is working on key features that will improve and transform the experience of the tax and super systems both for individuals and small businesses, making it easy for them to get things right,” he added. The sessions were attended by over 45 community and business leaders in the two cities. The topics discussed during the briefings included how to improve and transform the client experience in the tax and super systems and what these changes mean for both individuals and small businesses in Australia. Also discussed was what the ATO can do to help the community to transition to new digital services. Attendees also had the opportunity to ask questions directly to the ATO and learn more about plans for the coming year. For more information about Reinventing the ATO, visit The ATO also offers a range of information and resources to help people from non-English speaking backgrounds learn more about the tax and super systems in Australia. Information is available in English and a range of other languages – for more visit the ATO website at