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Students receiving income support must update details to avoid debt

Students receiving income support are being reminded to tell Centrelink about any changes to their circumstances before the second semester commences to avoid incurring a debt.

Department of Human Services General Manager, Hank Jongen said students must advise Centrelink about changes to their study details, employment hours and income as well as personal details like a change of address.

“We know students may be enjoying a well-deserved break, but if they are taking on extra work hours over the holiday period, this can have an impact on their payment,” said Mr Jongen.

“New claims should be lodged as soon as possible for second semester enrolments to ensure eligible students can be paid from the earliest possible date.

“Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY customers can keep their details updated using online services or the Express Plus app.

“Payment summaries are available now to download via online services and the Express Plus app so students can complete their tax returns.”

Mr Jongen said a new Digital Wallet function is now available on the Express Plus apps to make life even easier for busy people.

“The Digital Wallet function is the latest update to the apps and gives students the handy option to carry and display their concession card on their smart phone.

“Students who have a Low Income Health Care Card or Health Care Card can use the Digital Wallet in exactly the same way as their physical card, to access concessions at places like pharmacies, doctors’ surgeries and with local transport authorities.

“Eligible customers will continue to be issued with a physical card, which is still valid.

“Some really handy ways students can be kept up-to-date are by ‘liking’ the Student Update Facebook page, by following @StudentUpdateAU on Twitter and subscribing to the Human Services YouTube channel.”