Two events held in Sydney almost a week apart of each other seem to point out a measure of sustainability in Australia’s multicultural media these days.
The first was the talkfest held at the NSW Parliament theatrette called “Multicultural Media at the Crossroad” jointly sponsored by the Multicultural Media Awards body and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
It was promoted by Hon. Shaoquett Mosselmane. MLC, convenor of the Multicultural Media Awards in September last year and by the University of Technology. Sydney MLC.
Resource speakers abound from academics, and professional journalists. Notable guests were Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr, Chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council (FECCA) chair Mr Pino Migliorino, and NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson programs, and news web sites that serve Australia’s diverse community groups.
The second was the Premier’s Multicultural Media Awards sponsored by the Community Relations Commission (CRC). It was held at the Le Montage restaurant in Leichhardt, NSW. It honoured NSW’s multicultural publications, radio programs and TV programs as well as internet news web sites. Special guests were, of course, NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell, NSW Minister on Citizenship and Communities Mr. Victor Dominelli, Federal Member for Berowra, Philip Ruddock, (Liberal) and about a dozen NSW Coalition parliamentarians inlcuding Member for Campbelltown Brian Doyle (Lib), Member for Richmond Kevin Conolly (Lib.).
An Indian awardee’s discription of her feeling on the stage as an “Oscar situation” aptly describes the general feedback among ethnic media practitioners about the event.
Representatives of NSW’s multicultural media seldom met on their own initiative, except in press conferences called by the NSW government, both under the previous Labor and today’s Liberal Coalition. In previous years, Ethnic Communication’s Mr. Joeph Assaf who is considered the pioneer in multicultural marketing, used to hold key press conferences and Christmas party involving ethnic media representatives.
The Community Relations Commission or CRC under chair Stepan Kerkyasharian continues meeting together ethnic media representatives including in the darling of its annual calendar, the CRC Multicultural Marketing Awards night.
It is the tradition of holding activities involving multicultural media. Foremost in its calendar is the annual Multicultural Marketing Awards businesses who have achievements in businesses involving the multicultural sector.
Aside from the obvious merriment in these activities, it is hoped that greater things shall come from the multicultural media.
When asked during the recent first quarter of 2013 press conference, Minister Victor Dominelli said he tries to avoid criticising other people’s idea on multiculturalism.
However, Minister Dominelli said he will continue to talk and implement the Coalition government’s policy on multiculturalism, as part of the people’s mandate to govern.
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